14 Rue de la Mûre, 13002 Marseille

Prix libre (7€ recommended) !cash only!



We ask visitors to pay as much as desired.

We aim to cover the travel costs of the artists as well to offer a kind fee for their work.

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Morcego is a studio (or working space) of Sometimes Always, Solenn Robic, Caetano and R-A-I-O.

Aside from our individual (and yet often inter-sectioning) practices we sporadically open the space for public events with a departing point on Design, Art, Sound, and Technology.

So far our events are either organized by ourselves (collective or individually) or by our kin. A curatorial practice informed by guts, affinity, shared interests, creative input, and friendship.

The residency and performance are part of an empirical research on the use of mind-shifting sonic waves generated by electric impulses and percussive instruments. The departing point of the invitation is to join percussion and analogue sound synthesis, limiting the most possible digital intermediaries between the electricity that arrives in the instruments and its further transformation into sound.

The energy channeled by cosmic collective thinking to the players´ bodies informs us of our spiritual states as we share this collective moment of playing and listening. The energy drained by the power sockets connect us to another bigger network and its surrounding politics. It is manipulated by electronic components and transformed into bouncing magnetic waves. It might speak our pain out.

Listening and playing are part of the same. A momentary connection where our hearts might beat simultaneously.

It’s the drum who speaks, not the drummer.



Trafic #2


Book Launch

Book Launch


18 Nov 2023

30 MAR 2024

18 OCT 2023

14 OCT 2023

14 JUN 2023

Artists and filmmakers Eitan Efrat and Ben Russell

A series of sound experiments resulting from bringing two persons to play together

at Morcego’s cave



Frac Sud

The artists and filmmakers Eitan Efrat and Ben Russell were invited for a short residency to play music together. During four days, they engaged in a dialogue through free experimentation. Music coming from the guts. You are invited to attend two live sessions on November 18th.

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Book Fair

Puma Camillê

Livros Fantasmas

Biceps Editions